Live Long & Prosper Day

Celebrated annually March 26th

LLAP Day, celebrated annually on Leonard Nimoy's birthday of March 26th, encourages you to contemplate the Vulcan blessing and see how it might apply to your life.

How does one live Long & Prosper?

There are many different ways to increase longevity and improve health and happiness, but ultimately the choice is yours.
That's the beauty of LLAP Day!
Whether it's reading a book, making investments, changing your diet, or watching some Star Trek, if you think it will make you happier, healthier, or increase your prosperity, today is the perfect day to give it a try.

"May you live long and prosper."


Leonard Nimoy

There would be no LLAP day without Leonard Nimoy, Spock, and the Vulcan Salute.
Leonard Nimoy was an American actor, director, photographer, author, and singer/songwriter. He is best known for his role as Spock in the Star Trek franchise.
Nimoy supported numerous charitable causes throughout his life, including Biet T'Shuvah (Addiction Recovery), the COPD Foundation (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and The Nimoy Foundation (Fine Arts).

"For me it’s all about personal vision..."
— Leonard Nimoy

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